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Training: Implicit Bias in the Workplace

Implicit Bias in the Workplace –What it Looks Like and How We Can Address It

Wednesday, June 16, 4:00pm – 5:30pm via Zoom Presenter: Nevada County nonprofit, Color Me Human Register here

The importance of understanding and action around the ideas of diversity, equity and inclusion have become abundantly clear. This topic is also of growing importance to those that support nonprofit work – our Donors, Funders and Constituents want to how our workplaces are addressing these issues. This training will explore implicit attitudes and how stereotypes impact our decisions and how those interactions effect organizational culture.

We will focus on various types of diversity in the workplace, including (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, religion, physical abilities and disabilities, culture, citizenship status, and age). Attendees will also learn to identify and address the brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized groups (known as microaggressions.) We will review common such occurrences in the workplace and explore outcomes associated with the experience of microaggressions as well as discover techniques to minimize these incidents. This interactive and engaging training will include breakout groups and peer to peer communication opportunities.

Presenters: Nevada County nonprofit, Color Me Human will be our trainers for this diversity, equity and inclusion education experience. Color Me Human’s mission and work is intended to dismantle systems of oppression both within ourselves and our institutions. Led by a multi-racial, multi-cultural team they celebrate and support the under-resourced communities in our region.

Register HERE. Once registered you will be sent a survey – Please complete it ASAP – this will inform our discussion at the training. If you do not receive the registration confirmation email, please contact Wendy at CNL –


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