Restore Rocklin American Rescue Plan Act Grants
Grant Program for Nonprofit Organizations Serving Rocklin Apply here
In June 2022, the Rocklin City Council approved American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) relief funds to support nonprofits delivering services in Rocklin. They selected Placer Community Foundation to act as third party administrator to establish criteria and a process to fairly and transparently distribute $500,000 in allocated funds to eligible nonprofit organizations serving the City of Rocklin.
Program goal
Assisting Rocklin nonprofits as they recover from the effects of the Covid pandemic.
Grant program process
All applications submitted before the deadline of 4:59pm, February 24, 2023 will be considered for funding based on the criteria. This is not a first come, first served process, so take your time and answer all relevant questions accurately. Applications must be submitted using the online form. No paper applications will be accepted. An organization is limited to one proposal for this grant program.
Program timeline
January 24 – Grant Portal Live and Applications Open Apply here January 31 at 9 am – Applicant Workshop for Nonprofits Watch the recording here February 24 by 4:59 pm – Grant Application Deadline March 15 – Nonprofit Grant Awards Announced By April 17 – Nonprofit Grant Checks Sent Out Based on Signed Award Agreement
Eligibility requirements
Per U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Final Rule Overview, “Nonprofits have faced significant challenges due to the pandemic’s increased demand for services and changing operational needs, as well as declines in revenue sources such as donations and fees. Nonprofits eligible for assistance are those that experienced negative economic impacts or disproportionate impacts of the pandemic and meet the definition of “nonprofit”—specifically those that are 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) tax-exempt organizations.”
Eligible organizations:
• Have active 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) tax status, • Effective date of tax exemption from the IRS on or before January 1, 2019 (A nonprofit must have been established for at least one year prior to the onset of the COVID-19 public health emergency in order to apply for ARPA funding), • Primary address of record in Placer County, • Service/s provided to City of Rocklin residents, • Good standing with the IRS, state of California, County of Placer, City of Rocklin, AND • A revenue loss that has not been covered by funds received from other federal COVID related programs OR increased costs (e.g., uncompensated increases in service need) in 2020 due to COVID-19
Please note: Churches and faith-based organizations with 501(c)(3) designation are eligible but funds must be used only for revenue loss related to nonreligious social services. Funds cannot be utilized for any religious purpose including, but not limited to; religious worship, instruction, or proselytization. A church/ faith based grantee organization may not discriminate or otherwise condition its services, based on religious affiliation.
Ineligible organizations:
• Nonprofit organizations with any 501(c) designation other than 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) • International relief organizations • Private grantmaking and independent foundations
To determine if you qualify, take our eligibility quiz.
Priority areas
Overall priority will be given to organizations: • with a primary address in Rocklin • that have not received ARPA funds from City of Rocklin and • can demonstrate revenue loss in 2020 due to COVID-19 that has not been covered by funds received from other federal COVID related programs
Tier one
501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) nonprofit organizations based in Rocklin with a mission to serve Rocklin youth ages 21 and under
Tier two
501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) nonprofit organizations based in Rocklin with any mission/population served (i.e. animal welfare, arts, environment, safety net)
Tier three
501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) nonprofit organizations based in Placer County with any mission/population served (i.e. animal welfare, arts, environment, safety net) that serve a significant number of Rocklin residents
Grant amount
Award amount is based on 2019 baseline revenue. Eligible organizations may receive up to $25,000. Due to high need, we expect this to be a competitive fund, therefore partial funding may occur. Grant funds will be distributed by mid April 2023. Grant checks must be cashed by grantees within 90 days of receipt.
Eligible expenses
Grants must be used to mitigate financial hardship caused by revenue loss or increased demand for services due to COVID-19 in 2020 that have not been covered by funds received from other COVID-related programs, including: • General business operations • Payroll expenses • Supplier payments • Rent, lease, or mortgage payments for the business property • Personal protective equipment (PPE) and/or sanitation supplies and equipment • Investments in software or technology that allow for a shift to online operations • Equipment purchases that expand and/or modify operations
Ineligible expenses
Placer Community Foundation will not award grants to and/or for: • Re-granting • Organizations and programs designed to elect candidates to public office • Endowment funds and multi-year capital campaigns • Scholarships, fellowships, travel grants, and technical or specialized research • Government entities • Religious or doctrinal purposes or activities • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, disability, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race or religion. • Individuals
Review process
Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by a committee composed of local representatives with expertise in grant review and administration.
Eileen Speaker, Grants Manager, Placer Community Foundation program@placercf.org 530.885.4920