A nonprofit endowment fund at Placer Community Foundation helps nonprofit organizations stay resilient during times of crisis, as well as supports their growth as demand for their critical programs and services increase. ​
Established by the nonprofits themselves, or by an individual donor, these funds take in additional gifts from within the community. All contributions are pooled and invested for long-term growth. Earnings on investment may be distributed in the form of a grant to support the operations of the nonprofit. The greater the fund grows, the greater financial support is provided. The result is a forever fund to help sustain, expand, and preserve vital community programs.​
Advantages of a Nonprofit Endowment Fund at PCF
Nonprofit endowment funds are placed into our investment pools with other assets of the Placer Community Foundation to build and preserve the funds in perpetuity. A nonprofit endowment fund relieves your organization’s staff and Board of Directors from the accounting and management of its invested funds.
Nonprofits organizations with nonprofit endowment funds at PCF join our larger giving community. We work to offer donors an opportunity to support your organization ensuring long-term security, particularly through an endowment fund.
PCF staff processes all gift acknowledgements and provides your organization with quarterly statements of fund activity.​
We accept a variety of assets – both current and through planned giving, including cash, real estate, closely-held securities and much more.
PCF administers charitable gifts through planned giving, which can include direct gifts to nonprofit endowment funds. PCF serves as a partner by administering the gifts and working with potential donors and their professional advisors to answer gift planning inquiries.
The Natural Wonders Forever Endowment Fund at Placer Community Foundation helps Placer Land Trust diversify and become more financially secure. It also allows us to cope with unforeseen challenges. In most years we don’t need investment earnings and can let the endowment principal grow to build a more sustainable future for land conservation. But when needed, this fund will always be available for Placer Land Trust. For example, when the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic were putting the hurt on our operating budget last year, we were able to use interest earnings from the endowment fund to cover a portion of operational costs to ensure our land conservation efforts didn’t miss a beat!
Jeff Darlington
Executive Director
Placer Land Trust
Nonprofit Endowment Funds at PCF
Arts Council of Placer County Endowment Fund​
Auburn Aviation Association Education Endowment Fund​
Auburn State Theatre Endowment Fund​
Auburn Symphony Endowment Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Placer County Endowment Fund​
Child Advocates of Placer County Endowment Fund​
Friends of the Roseville Public Library Endowment Fund​
Gold Country Wildlife Rescue Fund​
PARC Legacy Fund​
Placer Artists Tour Endowment Fund​
Placer County Library Fund​
Placer County Navy League Rose Hoeper Fund​
Placer Food Bank Endowment Fund​
Placer Land Trust’s Natural Wonders Forever Fund​
PRIDE Industries Endowment Fund​
Rocklin Heritage Fund​
Friends of the River’s Ron Stork River-Advocate​
Legacy Fund​
Seniors First Endowment Fund​
Sight Word Busters Endowment Fund​